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Sessions are always available online and occasionally in-person in New York City.


This is intimate, body-oriented work and a profound experience with awareness, energy and embodiment. The process is integrative and regenerative, altering the way you relate to Self, Sex, and Spirit, and dissolving barriers to your intrinsic love, joy, and vitality. This is an invitation for transformation; a re-wiring that is downright liberating.

You will be met where you are at, and the session will unfold from there. The experience of this work can range from subtle and energetic, to challenging and confronting, to clarifying, enlightening, humorous, and heart-opening. Voice and empower your true desires with intention dialogue. Resolve stifling, deep-seated emotional blocks and transform undesirable patterns with emotional clearing and direct coaching. Awaken and enrich your sensory, body-felt experience with somatic embodiment practices. Discover the awareness, love, and lightness of being that's available to you through the methodology and practice of non-dualism and Tantra.


During in-person sessions, you have the additional option of receiving restorative platonic touch, therapeutic cuddling and bodywork.

Cultivate deep presence. Face and own your shadows. Open to extraordinary love and truth.

So much of our vitality can get tied up in ways of being that we've inherited, been conditioned into, or taken on to avoid discomfort. Our inner and outer dramas are often a direct reflection of what we chase, resist or avoid experiencing in ourselves. How we relate with our own sexuality and identity (ego) has a great influence on how alive we truly feel. In this space, you're invited to take a deeper look and recognize and embrace all parts of yourself; the darkness and the light, what you hold sacred and what you shame and hide. It all has wisdom.

Find out what becomes possible for you when you step into totality and become a radically loving and embodied human being. There's so much to learn by consciously acknowledging emotions and shadows like fear, violence, unworthiness, shame, victimhood, anger, hatred, arrogance, guilt, and jealousy. Let's see what happens when we invite what's hidden, dark or rejected to take shape, find it's expression, and meet it with curiosity and compassion.

This is the way of transformation.

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​      This work is ultimately about truth. It is about honoring the wisdom of It's about looking at and owning the masks you wear and dropping them away. There is no aspect of you that is bad. There is no inner experience or feeling that is wrong.
The more you divide yourself up into good and bad, the more out of touch you will feel. Whatever judgments you pass, you will be under the thumb of.
     Bring yourself together. Acknowledge the parts of you that you reject. Be with your shadows, dance with them, let them speak. Let them move through your body. Give them compassion.

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‣  Release emotional baggage + gain clarity and truth

‣  Cultivate witness awareness (soften the grip of ego)

‣  Let go of patterns & ways of being that don't serve you

‣  Embrace and integrate both your erotic and sacred nature

‣  Turn your inner critic into an ally for transformation

‣  Gain a greater sense of what's really possible for you

  Be more connected to your body, senses and awareness

‣  Create a reliable connection to your inner guidance

‣  Restore your ability to feel, cry, laugh and express it all

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‣  Getting in touch with true desire & intention work

‣  Somatic Presencing (body/mind/energy awareness method)

‣  Exploring polarities & self-expression that is edgy for you

  Emotional Clearing (trauma release/dissolve stuckness)

‣  Inner Guidance practice (Latihan)

  Finding the connection between sex, love, & consciousness

‣  Inner aspecting (dialogue between different parts of self)

‣  Energy, Visualization & Breath Work

‣  Restorative, therapeutic touch (platonic)



‣  Empowerment to let go and make real, lasting changes

‣  Feeling more grounded, embodied, and present

‣  Growing confidence to express and be truly who they are

  New ability to meet life with humor and lightness of being

‣  Sourcing from themselves love, support, and kindness

‣  Less anxiety and stress + more ease in the body

‣  Having more passion and intimacy with their partner(s)

  Deeper enjoyment of the senses and being in a body

‣  Less drama and more choice to grow consciously

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 * Dissolve intimacy barriers that manifest as disconnect, fleeing, or repetitive drama

* Deflate triggers (reactions that are out of proportion to the real threat)

* Stop making yourself small and putting your needs on the back burner

* Remain rooted in your center and authentically expressive while in relationship with others

* Explore non-traditional relating paths such as open relating or polyamory

​* Master your emotions rather than your emotions mastering you

* Embrace life and love as an adventure in growth and discovery

* Get complete with the past and live more in the here and now

* Release fears around sexuality and pleasure anxiety (shutting down when things get good)

**Consultations are approximately 20 minutes and offered via phone or by Zoom or Signal. The purpose of the consultation is to have an introduction, to get your questions answered, and to determine if we are a good fit to work together.

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