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"I do not look at that, I look at myself.

I am vast primordial wisdom,

That is my magical creation."


This is an invitation to emerge.


Embody and appreciate all of the multi-dimensional richness that you truly are.

Create a new, bold partnership with your Self; one that's conscious, loving, and authentic.

Become empowered, starting with knowing and standing for what you truly need. This is essential if you want to finally stop abandoning yourself or giving your power away to others.


Are you showing up for yourself the way that you want others to show up for you?

Are you giving yourself all the love and attention that you are seeking "out there"?


Reclaim your aliveness and joy.

Define and own your sexuality for yourself.

Free yourself from old emotional baggage and deeply enjoy being alive.


This is transformational work for the most important relationship in your life: the one with your Self.

Why not make it extraordinary?


Sessions support you in restoring the power of your full, embodied expression. Learn to work masterfully with those shadowy, addictive, edgy parts of your identity, so they no longer keep you stuck. Unblock your voice and learn to hold your boundaries with loving ease. Let go of being a victim in the narrative of your life and transform those old hurts into new passion. Your anger, fear, and sense of disconnect are powerful messengers that deserve your listening and compassion.

Image by Milosh Tonchevski


  Breakthrough barriers to giving and receiving love

  Own, honor, and trust your sexuality and primal energy

  Learn to play, be spontaneous, and have more fun

  Complete & integrate your past and live in the here and now

  Open to pleasure and the restorative power of sensuality

  Discover the magic in vulnerability and shed the armor

  Get the tools to process emotions on your own

  Integrate powerful and pleasurable awareness into your day-to-day life

  Learn to journey with your senses, breath, and energy

  Learn the foundational elements of tantra & emotional mastery

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