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Janie Michael is an internationally-known facilitator for personal transformation. She supports people in transforming emotional baggage and undesirable patterns into aliveness, connection, joy, and empowerment. Additionally, she offers coaching for making intimacy and sex conscious, fulfilling, and evolutionary.


Her experience in the field of personal development, shadow integration, tantra, restorative touch, and intimacy and sexual healing work spans two decades. Janie is also a botanical perfumer and an advanced practitioner in the use of essential oils for meditative journeying and emotional clearing.



This work provides keys to awaken transformative self-awareness and enrich your body-felt experience of being alive.

Sessions weave together elements including intention dialogue, somatic presencing and embodiment work, shadow integration, Reichian emotional clearing, energy work, and direct coaching. You'll be supported in dissolving energetic/emotional blocks, developing Self mastery, and restoring your authenticity, joy, and aliveness.

The benefits of this work are many and can range from simple stress relief, to resolving long-standing issues, to feeling more embodied, free, and present, to having awesome transformation that alters your entire life.



Coaching in these realms supports facing and dissolving fears of closeness and generating new skills and approaches to relating and sexuality.


Get straightforward and effective practice with the many aspects of intimacy, including: connection, vulnerability, listening, and authentic sharing. Develop an empowered way of being with sexuality, one that is sourced from authenticity, ease, and confidence.

While this coaching is for everyone, I specialize working with professionals in tech who, despite their intelligence, feel frustrated and disempowered with their intimate lives.



Opening to Pleasure for Women

Crave is for women who want to generate and ground more enjoyment, presence, vitality, and pleasure in their day-to-day lives.

Each session in this six-week series includes sensual, inner guided movement, embodiment practices, engaging discussion and opportunities for direct coaching in a small group of 8 women.

Some themes we explore during the series include sex and sexual energy, body image, anger and power, nourishment, having more fun and releasing shame. To learn more about Crave, join the waitlist.

$350 USD for the six-week series. Next series starts Jan. 5, 2025.

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